In 2024, over 24 days, 626 contributors submitted 4,633 contributions to 1,606 different open source projects.
Happy Holidays and see you all next year when we do it all again!
Want to help out with open source projects in the meantime? Check out these other great initiatives:
Give back to open source, one issue at a time, with CodeTriage. You’ll get one issue from your favorite repo per day to help you dig deeper, learn more, and stay involved with the code you rely on.
Browse open source projects with issues for beginners.
Easily filter through issues across 800+ contributor friendly projects and get curated recommendations.
You’ve been benefiting from the use of open source projects all year. Now is the time to say thanks to the maintainers of those projects, and a little birdy tells me that they love receiving contributions!
There are lots of ways to get involved in an open source project: improving docs, designs or existing code, supporting other users, fixing, replicating or triaging issues and bugs, or adding missing features.
New to open source? Here's our primer.
Contributing to open source projects is also a great way to build your profile in the community and improve your CV.
It’s really easy to get started. Even small contributions can be really valuable to a project.
This year we are encouraging organisers around the world to hold 24 Pull Requests hack events. Get involved this holiday season.
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Join everyone here and make open source better.
View AllWonder what people are up to this holiday? Check out these contributions, or make a contribution now and find yours here!
View AllCan’t think of a project you’d like to help contribute to? We’ve put together a list of popular projects here.
Suggest a project View AllArtemis - Interactive Learning with Automated Feedback
The Rust package registry
A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
:cookie: A full-featured, hackable tiling window manager written and configured in Python (X11 + Wayland)
React-specific linting rules for ESLint