Equalising branch with the last merge commit from now I will not back merge merge commits from main
In this pr I added a basic storage engine that can accept Incoming image files, store them and if the image file is larger than 2MB it will compress it before storing it. This compression is done asynchronously and the whole app is reactive. This PR closes #1
This PR closes #1 This adds basic JWT based authentication ot the project. This contains 2 tokens
Access tokens provide all accesses, but are valid for short time Refresh tokens are valid for long time but can only be used to reissue another access token....
This PR closes #2
This PR closes #5 and adds basic observabilty using zipkin and loki and grafana
Creating the basic structure to get started
moving to home config
Emergency commit
Adding geoLocation working properly
Added a custom query to find all nessecery details for a find all request
Paging oirtion not working need to see why may be cytion Query part